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PrintSPNAndKeytabNames <-DomainName|-dn> domain_name <-ServiceRealmName|-srn> realm_name_of_node_spn [<-Format|-fm> format_TEXT_CSV] [<-OutputFile|-of> output_file_name] [<-DomainNodes|-dns> Node1:HostName1 Node2:HostName2 ...] [<-ServiceProcesses|-sps> ServiceName1:NodeName1 ServiceName2:NodeName2...] [<-SPNShareLevel|-spnSL> SPNShareLevel PROCESS|NODE]
| Argument
| Description
| domain_name
| Required. Name of the Informatica domain. You can set the domain name with the -dn option or the environment variable INFA_DEFAULT_DOMAIN. If you set a domain name with both methods, the -dn option takes precedence.
| realm_name_of_node_spn
| Required. Name of the Kerberos realm to which the Informatica domain services belong. The realm name must be in uppercase and is case sensitive.
| format_TEXT_CSV
| Optional. Output file format. Valid types include:
If you do not specify a format, infacmd uses text format with lines wrapped at 80 characters.
| output_file_name
| Optional. Name and file path for the output file.
If you do not specify an output file name, infacmd displays the log events on the screen.
| NodeName:HostName
| Name of the node and the fully qualified host name of the machine that hosts the node. Use the following format: NodeName:HostName
You can generate SPNs and keytab file names for multiple nodes. Separate each node name and host name pair with a space.
| ServiceName:Nodename
| Optional. Name of the service that you want to create in the Informatica domain and the name of the node on which the service will run. Use the following format: ServiceName:NodeName
You can generate SPNs and keytab file names for multiple services. Separate each service name and node name pair with a space.
Note: The keytab files for application services in the domain do not have to be available when you configure the domain to use Kerberos authentication. You can add the service SPN to the principal database and create the keytab after you change the Informatica domain authentication but before you enable the service.
| SPNShareLevel
| Optional. Indicates the service principal level for the domain. Set the property to one of the following levels:
Default is process.