- PowerCenter 10.4.0
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| Description
| Option placed before a argument. This designates the parameter you enter.
For example, to enter the user name for pmcmd, type -u or -user followed by the user name.
< x >
| Required option. If you omit a required option, the command line program returns an error message.
<x | y >
{x | y}
| Select between required options. For the command to run, you must select from the listed options. If you omit a required option, the command line program returns an error message.
In pmrep, curly brackets denote groupings of required options, as in the following example:
If a pipe symbol (|) separates options, you must specify exactly one option. If options are not separated by pipe symbols, you must specify all the options.
[ x ]
| Optional parameter. The command runs whether or not you enter optional parameters. For example, the Help command has the following syntax:
If you enter a command, the command line program returns information on that command only. If you omit the command name, the command line program returns a list of all commands.
[ x | y ]
| Select between optional parameters.
For example, many commands in pmcmd run in either the wait or nowait mode.
If you specify a mode, the command runs in the specified mode. The command runs whether or not you enter the optional parameter.
If you do not specify a mode, pmcmd runs the command in the default nowait mode.
| When a set contains subsets, the superset is indicated with bold brackets
< >
A bold pipe symbol ( |
| In pmrep, parentheses surround descriptive text, such as the list of the possible values for an argument or an explanation for an option that does not take an argument.