Use the XML Editor to create custom XML views or to edit XML views that you created with the XML Wizard. To create a view, you define the view and specify the columns in the view. If the schema has multiple-occurring elements, you can specify which element occurrences to include in the view. You can also create special ports for XML target file names, and pass-through ports for XML Parser and XML Generator transformations.
Complete the following tasks to create and edit XML views:
Create an XML view.
Add a view to the workspace.
Add columns to a view.
Create new columns in a view.
Delete columns from a view.
Delete columns from a view.
Expand a complex type.
Choose a derived complex type to add to a view.
Import an anyType element.
Import anyType elements.
Apply content to an anyAttribute element.
Define content for anyAttribute elements.
Use an anySimpleType element.
Use an anySimpleType element in an XML definition.
Add a pass-through port.
Add a port to pass non-XML data through an XML transformation.
Add a FileName column.
Add a column to generate a new file name for each XML target file.