Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. XML Concepts
  3. Using XML with PowerCenter
  4. Working with XML Sources
  5. Using the XML Editor
  6. Working with XML Targets
  7. XML Source Qualifier Transformation
  8. Midstream XML Transformations
  9. XML Datatype Reference
  10. XPath Query Functions Reference

XML Guide

XML Guide

Using the XML Editor Overview

Using the XML Editor Overview

When you import an XML definition in the Designer, you create an XML definition with default views, custom views, or no views. After you create an XML definition, you use the XML Editor to make changes to the definition.
Use the XML Editor to create views, modify components, add columns, and maintain view relationships in the workspace. When you update an XML definition, the Designer propagates the changes to any mapping that includes the source. Some changes to XML definitions can invalidate mappings.
If you make significant changes to the source you used to create an XML definition, you can synchronize the definition to the new source rather than editing the definition manually.
The XML Editor contains the following windows:
  • Navigator
  • XML Workspace
  • Columns Window
The following figure shows the XML Editor:
The XML Editor contains the Navigator, the XML Workspace, and the Columns Window.
  1. Navigator
  2. Columns Window
  3. XML Workspace
The XML Editor uses icons to represent XML component types. To view a legend that describes the icons in the XML Editor, click View > Legend.


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