- PowerCenter 10.5.1
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| Description
Lookup Source File Directory | Enter the directory name. By default, the Integration Service looks in the process variable directory, $PMLookupFileDir, for lookup files. You can enter the full path and file name. If you specify both the directory and file name in the Lookup Source Filename field, clear this field. The Integration Service concatenates this field with the Lookup Source Filename field when it runs the session. You can also enter the $InputFile Name session parameter to configure the file name. |
Lookup Source Filename | Name of the lookup file. If you use an indirect file, enter the name of the indirect file you want the Integration Service to read. You can also enter the lookup file parameter, $LookupFile Name , to change the name of the lookup file for the session. If you configure both the directory and file name in the Source File Directory field, clear Lookup Source Filename. The Integration Service concatenates Lookup Source Filename with the Lookup Source File Directory field for the session. For example, the Lookup Source File Directory field contains “C:\lookup_data\” and the Lookup Source Filename field contains “filename.txt.” When the Integration Service begins the session, it looks for “C:\lookup_data\filename.txt.” |
Lookup Source Filetype | Indicates whether the lookup source file contains the source data or a list of files with the same file properties. Choose Direct if the lookup source file contains the source data. Choose Indirect if the lookup source file contains a list of files. When you select Indirect, the Integration Service creates one cache for all files. If you use sorted input with indirect files, verify that the range of data in the files do not overlap. If the range of data overlaps, the Integration Service processes the lookup as an unsorted lookup source. |