Use the following rules and guidelines for an SQL transformation that runs in script mode:
You can use a static or dynamic database connection with script mode.
To include multiple query statements in a script, you can separate them with a semicolon.
You can use mapping variables or parameters in the script file name.
The script code page defaults to the locale of the operating system. You can change the locale of the script.
The script file must be accessible by the Integration Service. The Integration Service must have read permissions on the directory that contains the script. If the Integration Service uses operating system profiles, the operating system user of the operating system profile must have read permissions on the directory that contains the script.
The Integration Service ignores the output of any SELECT statement you include in the SQL script. The SQL transformation in script mode does not output more than one row of data for each input row.
You cannot use scripting languages such as Oracle PL/SQL or Microsoft/Sybase T-SQL in the script.
You cannot use nested scripts where the SQL script calls another SQL script.