Shared Cache
| Location of Transformations
| Cache Shared
Static with Static
Dynamic with Dynamic
Dynamic with Static
| Configuration for Named Shared Cache
Lookup SQL Override
| If you use the Lookup SQL Override property, you must use the same override in all shared transformations.
Lookup Table Name
| Must match.
Lookup Caching Enabled
| Must be enabled.
Lookup Policy on Multiple Match
Lookup Condition
| Shared transformations must use the same ports in the lookup condition. The conditions can use different operators, but the ports must be the same.
Connection Information
| The connection must be the same. When you configure the sessions, the database connection must match.
Source Type
| Must match.
Tracing Level
| -
Lookup Cache Directory Name
| Must match.
Lookup Cache Persistent
| Must be enabled.
Lookup Data Cache Size
| When transformations within the same mapping share a cache, the Integration Service allocates memory for the first shared transformation in each pipeline stage. It does not allocate additional memory for subsequent shared transformations in the same pipeline stage.
Lookup Index Cache Size
| When transformations within the same mapping share a cache, the Integration Service allocates memory for the first shared transformation in each pipeline stage. It does not allocate additional memory for subsequent shared transformations in the same pipeline stage.
Dynamic Lookup Cache
| For more information about sharing static and dynamic caches, see
Guidelines for Sharing a Named Lookup Cache.
Output Old Value on Update
| Does not need to match.
Update Dynamic Cache
| Does not need to match.
Cache File Name Prefix
| Must match. Enter the prefix only. Do not enter .idx or .dat. You cannot share a named cache with an unnamed cache.
Recache from Source
| If you configure a Lookup transformation to recache from source, subsequent Lookup transformations in the target load order group can share the existing cache whether or not you configure them to recache from source. If you configure subsequent Lookup transformations to recache from source, the Integration Service shares the cache instead of rebuilding the cache when it processes the subsequent Lookup transformation.
If you do not configure the first Lookup transformation in a target load order group to recache from source, and you do configure the subsequent Lookup transformation to recache from source, the Integration Service does not rebuild the cache.
Lookup/Output Ports
| Lookup/output ports must be identical, but they do not need to be in the same order.
Insert Else Update
| -
Update Else Insert
| -
Thousand Separator
| -
Decimal Separator
| -
Case-Sensitive String Comparison
| -
Null Ordering
| -
Sorted Input
| Must match.