Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Working with Transformations
  3. Aggregator Transformation
  4. Custom Transformation
  5. Custom Transformation Functions
  6. Data Masking Transformation
  7. Data Masking Examples
  8. Expression Transformation
  9. External Procedure Transformation
  10. Filter Transformation
  11. HTTP Transformation
  12. Identity Resolution Transformation
  13. Java Transformation
  14. Java Transformation API Reference
  15. Java Expressions
  16. Java Transformation Example
  17. Joiner Transformation
  18. Lookup Transformation
  19. Lookup Caches
  20. Dynamic Lookup Cache
  21. Normalizer Transformation
  22. Rank Transformation
  23. Router Transformation
  24. Sequence Generator Transformation
  25. Sorter Transformation
  26. Source Qualifier Transformation
  27. SQL Transformation
  28. Using the SQL Transformation in a Mapping
  29. Stored Procedure Transformation
  30. Transaction Control Transformation
  31. Union Transformation
  32. Unstructured Data Transformation
  33. Update Strategy Transformation
  34. XML Transformations

Transformation Guide

Transformation Guide

UDT Settings Tab

UDT Settings Tab

Configure the Unstructured Data transformation attributes on the
UDT Settings
The following table describes the attributes on the
UDT settings
Type of input data that the Unstructured Data transformation passes to
Data Transformation
Engine. Choose one of the following input types:
  • Buffer. The Unstructured Data transformation receives source data in the InputBuffer port and passes data from the port to
    Data Transformation
  • File. The Unstructured Data transformation receives a source file path in the InputBuffer port and passes the source file path to
    Data Transformation
    Data Transformation
    Engine opens the source file.
Type of output data that the Unstructured Data transformation or
Data Transformation
Engine returns. Choose one of the following output types:
  • Buffer. The Unstructured Data transformation returns XML data through the OutputBuffer port unless you configure a relational hierarchy of output ports. If you configure a relational hierarchy of ports, the Unstructured Data transformation does not write to the OutputBuffer port.
  • File.
    Data Transformation
    Engine writes the output to a file. It does not return the data to the Unstructured Data transformation unless you configure a relational hierarchy of ports in the Unstructured Data transformation.
  • Splitting.The Unstructured Data transformation splits a large XML output file into smaller files that can fit in the OutputBuffer port. You must pass the split XML files to the XML Parser transformation.
Name of the
Data Transformation
service to run. The service must be present in the local
Data Transformation
Streamer Chunk Size
Buffer size of the data that the Unstructured Data transformation passes to
Data Transformation
Engine when the
Data Transformation
service runs a streamer. Valid values are 1-1,000,000 KB. Default is 256 KB.
Dynamic Service Name
Run a different
Data Transformation
service for each input row. When Dynamic Service Name is enabled, the Unstructured Data transformation receives the service name in the Service Name input port.
When Dynamic Service name is disabled, the Unstructured Data transformation runs the same service for each input row. The Service Name attribute in the UDT Settings must contain a service name. Default is disabled.
Status Tracing Level
Set the level of status messages from the
Data Transformation
  • Description Only. Return a status code and a short description to indicate if the
    Data Transformation
    service was successful or if it failed.
  • Full Status. Return a status code and a status message from the
    Data Transformation
    service in XML.
  • None. Do not return status from the
    Data Transformation
    service. Default is none.
Allow Input Flush
Enable Allow Input Flush when you configure input groups of ports.
The Unstructured Data transformation creates XML when it has all the data for a group. Configure the mapping so the transformation receives data that is sorted by group.
When input flush is not enabled, the Unstructured Data transformation stores the data in memory and creates the XML after it receives data for all the groups.

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