Statement Type
| Statement
| Description
Data Definition | ALTER | Modifies the structure of the database. |
Data Definition | COMMENT | Adds comments to the data dictionary. |
Data Definition | CREATE | Creates a database, table, or index. |
Data Definition | DROP | Deletes an index, table, or database. |
Data Definition | RENAME | Renames a database object. |
Data Definition | TRUNCATE | Removes all rows from a table. |
Data Manipulation | CALL | Calls a PL/SQL or Java subprogram. |
Data Manipulation | DELETE | Deletes rows from a table. |
Data Manipulation | EXPLAIN PLAN | Writes the access plan for a statement into the database Explain tables. |
Data Manipulation | INSERT | Inserts row into a table. |
Data Manipulation | LOCK TABLE | Prevents concurrent application processes from using or changing a table. |
Data Manipulation | MERGE | Updates a table with source data. |
Data Manipulation | SELECT | Retrieves data from the database. |
Data Manipulation | UPDATE | Updates the values of rows of a table. |
Data Control Language | GRANT | Grants privileges to a database user. |
Data Control Language | REVOKE | Removes access privileges for a database user. |
Transaction Control | COMMIT | Saves a unit of work and performs the database changes for that unit of work. |
Transaction Control | ROLLBACK | Reverses changes to the database since the last COMMIT. |