Port Name
| Datatype
| Precision
| Scale
| Description
CustomerID | Number | 10 | 0 | Customer number that uniquely identifies a customer. |
CustomerName | String | 25 | 0 | Name of the customer. |
PhoneNumber | String | 15 | 0 | Telephone number includes area code and seven digits with no spaces. |
Email | String | 25 | 0 | Customer email address. |
Location | String | 10 | 0 | Customer location. Values are US, UK, CAN. |
1,John Smith,6502345677,jsmith@catgary.com,US 2,Nigel Whitman,5123456754,nwhitman@nwhitman.com,UK 3,Girish Goyal,5674325321,ggoyal@netcompany.com,CAN 4,Robert Gregson,5423123453,rgregson@networkmail.com,US