Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Working with Transformations
  3. Aggregator Transformation
  4. Custom Transformation
  5. Custom Transformation Functions
  6. Data Masking Transformation
  7. Data Masking Examples
  8. Expression Transformation
  9. External Procedure Transformation
  10. Filter Transformation
  11. HTTP Transformation
  12. Identity Resolution Transformation
  13. Java Transformation
  14. Java Transformation API Reference
  15. Java Expressions
  16. Java Transformation Example
  17. Joiner Transformation
  18. Lookup Transformation
  19. Lookup Caches
  20. Dynamic Lookup Cache
  21. Normalizer Transformation
  22. Rank Transformation
  23. Router Transformation
  24. Sequence Generator Transformation
  25. Sorter Transformation
  26. Source Qualifier Transformation
  27. SQL Transformation
  28. Using the SQL Transformation in a Mapping
  29. Stored Procedure Transformation
  30. Transaction Control Transformation
  31. Union Transformation
  32. Unstructured Data Transformation
  33. Update Strategy Transformation
  34. XML Transformations

Transformation Guide

Transformation Guide

Using Sorted Ports

Using Sorted Ports

When you use sorted ports, the Integration Service adds the ports to the ORDER BY clause in the default query. The Integration Service adds the configured number of ports, starting at the top of the Source Qualifier transformation. If a subset of ports is connected downstream, the default query only includes the subset of ports. The sorted ports are applied on the connected ports rather than the ports that start at the top of the Source Qualifier transformation.
You might use sorted ports to improve performance when you include any of the following transformations in a mapping:
  • Aggregator.
    When you configure an Aggregator transformation for sorted input, you can send sorted data by using sorted ports. The group by ports in the Aggregator transformation must match the order of the sorted ports in the Source Qualifier transformation.
  • Joiner.
    When you configure a Joiner transformation for sorted input, you can send sorted data by using sorted ports. Configure the order of the sorted ports the same in each Source Qualifier transformation.
You can also use the Sorter transformation to sort relational and flat file data before Aggregator and Joiner transformations.
Use sorted ports for relational sources only. When using sorted ports, the sort order of the source database must match the sort order configured for the session. The Integration Service creates the SQL query used to extract source data, including the ORDER BY clause for sorted ports. The database server performs the query and passes the resulting data to the Integration Service. To ensure data is sorted as the Integration Service requires, the database sort order must be the same as the user-defined session sort order.
When you configure the Integration Service for data code page validation and run a workflow in Unicode data movement mode, the Integration Service uses the selected sort order to sort character data.
When you configure the Integration Service for relaxed data code page validation, the Integration Service uses the selected sort order to sort all character data that falls in the language range of the selected sort order. The Integration Service sorts all character data outside the language range of the selected sort order according to standard Unicode sort ordering.
When the Integration Service runs in ASCII mode, it ignores this setting and sorts all character data using a binary sort order. The default sort order depends on the code page of the Integration Service.
The Source Qualifier transformation includes the number of sorted ports in the default SQL query. However, if you modify the default query after choosing the Number of Sorted Ports, the Integration Service uses only the query defined in the SQL Query property.
To use sorted ports:
  1. In the Mapping Designer, open a Source Qualifier transformation, and click the Properties tab.
  2. Click in Number of Sorted Ports and enter the number of ports you want to sort.
    The Integration Service adds the configured number of columns to an ORDER BY clause, starting from the top of the Source Qualifier transformation.
    The source database sort order must correspond to the session sort order.
    Sybase supports a maximum of 16 columns in an ORDER BY clause. If the source is Sybase, do not sort more than 16 columns.
  3. Click OK.

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