Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Understanding PowerExchange for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  3. PowerExchange for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configuration
  4. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sources and Targets
  5. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Application Source Qualifiers
  6. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sessions
  7. Appendix A: Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Transformation Data Types

PowerExchange for Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Guide for PowerCenter

PowerExchange for Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Guide for PowerCenter

Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Transformation Data Types

Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Transformation Data Types

PowerExchange for Microsoft Dynamics CRM maps the Microsoft Dynamics CRM data types to the PowerCenter transformation data types.
PowerCenter uses the following data types in Microsoft Dynamics CRM mappings:
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM native data types. Microsoft Dynamics CRM data types appear in Microsoft Dynamics CRM definitions in a mapping.
  • Transformation data types. Set of data types that appear in the transformations. These are internal data types based on ANSI SQL-92 generic data types, which the Integration Service uses to move data across platforms. They appear in all transformations in a mapping.
When the Integration Service reads the source data, it converts the native data types to the comparable transformation data types before transforming the data. When the Integration Service writes to a target, it converts the transformation data types to the comparable native data types. For more information about data types, see the
PowerCenter Designer Guide.
The following table lists the Microsoft Dynamics CRM data types that PowerCenter supports and the corresponding transformation data types:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Data Type
Range and Description
Transformation Data Type
Big integer attribute. You can specify the maximum and minimum values between -922,337,203,685,477 and 922,337,203,685,477.
A Boolean attribute. You can specify the text for both options. When added to a form, the field properties control whether the attribute is displayed as two radio buttons, a check box, or a list. Input should be 0 or 1 , where 0 is for false and 1 for true.
Customer attribute represents a type of lookup where either an account or contact is a valid type of record.
Input must be in the <logicalname:guid> format . For example,
Date and time values.
Minimum value: 1900/1/1 00:00:00
Maximum value: 9999/12/30 23:59:59
Null dates are filtered and passed to the target as Null.
A decimal attribute. You can specify the level of precision up to ten decimal places and the minimum and maximum values from -1,000,000,000 to 1,000,000,000.
A decimal attribute. You can specify the level of precision up to five decimal places and the minimum and maximum values from -1,000,000,000 to 1,000,000,000.
Entity attribute represents the logical name of an entity.
You cannot write EntityName data type.
Integer values. You can specify the maximum and minimum values from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Lookup attribute represents the relationship attribute on the related entity. The valid type for the lookup is established in the relationship.
Input must be in the <logicalname:guid> or <guid> format . For example,
or 4fca93d7-b73d-e011-b010-005056a8019b.
ManagedProperty attribute specifies the managed properties for an entity. The value can be either 0 or 1.
Memo attribute represents a multiline text box .
Money attribute. You can specify the maximum and minimum values between - 922,337,203,685,477 and 922,337,203,685,477. You can set the precision as one, two, or three.
Owner attribute refers to the owner of an entity.
Owner name contains a logical name which can be either systemuser or team. For example, <systemuser:guid> or <team:guid>.
Activity party details that has information about PartyId, ActivityPartyId, and ParticipationTypeMask.
A PartyId is a unique identifier of the party associated with the activity. For example, <logicalname:guid>.
An ActivityPartyId is a unique identifier of the activity associated with the activity party. A party is any person who is associated with an activity. ActivityParytId does not have to be populated while writing as it will be populated if a value is not provided.
If you populate the ActivityPartyId more than once, the task fails with a duplicate key error.
A ParticipationTypeMask is the role of the person in the activity, such as sender, organizer, or owner.
While reading and writing, the PartyList data type is in string format, but it contains XML data.
Picklist attribute provides a set of options that are displayed in a drop-down list. You can create the picklist attribute so that it can contain its own options or use a global options set.
An option value of a picklist is an integer that corresponds to the option description . You can find the option values and description in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM documentation for the default entities. For example, for an AccountRole picklist , to set the picklist value to " Decision Maker", the option value is 1.
State attribute is automatically created when you create an entity. The state attribute internally represents the status of the entity.
A value of a state is an integer that corresponds to the state description . You can find the state values and description in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM documentation for the default entities. For example, to set the state as "Open", the value is 0 for the Activity entity.
Status attribute is automatically created when you create an entity. Each of the options must be associated with the state attribute for the entity. Status attribute displays the value of state to the end user.
A value of a status is an integer that corresponds to the status description . You can find the status values and description in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM documentation for the default entities For example, to set the status as " Active", the value is 1 for the Account entity.
String attribute represents a single line of text.
Unique identifier represents an attribute that is the guid of another entity instance.
UniqueIdentifier should be in the guid format. For example, 4fca93d7-b73d-e011-b010-005056a8019b.


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