When loading data to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM target tables, the rows can be rejected either by the writer or by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM target tables. The writer rejects the rows if there is a data conversion error or if you try to insert, update, or delete rows without configuring the session properties. The PowerCenter Integration Service writes the rejected rows into the reject file.
When the Microsoft Dynamics CRM target table rejects a row during session run, Microsoft Dynamics CRM sends the data to PowerCenter Integration Service. The PowerCenter Integration Service writes the rejected data to the reject file. The PowerCenter Integration Service updates the session log with the number of rows in the packet rejected by Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Each row indicates if the row is set for insert, update, delete, or reject by marking 0, 1, 2, or 3 respectively at the beginning of each row. The PowerCenter Integration Service creates the reject file based on the target instance. For example, the following reject file shows operation indicators at the beginning of each row:
1,D,55B5B303-06C3-4362-BECA-4B6470F7E950,D,Update 1,D
2,D,55B5B303-06C3-4362-BECA-4B6470F7E950,D,Insert 1,D
0,D,55B5B303-06C3-4362-BECA-4B6470F7E950,D,Insert 1,D