PowerExchange for CDC and Mainframe
- PowerExchange for CDC and Mainframe 10.4.0
- All Products
Source or Target Type
| How Code Page Numbers Are Derived
DB2 on i5/OS
| PowerExchange determines the internal code page number from the CCSID of the column and code page aliases.
Optionally, columns that have no CCSIDs can be mapped to CHAR columns with code pages using the optional the DB2_BIN_CODEPAGE and DB2_BIN_AS_CHAR configuration statements.
Otherwise, these columns are mapped to BIN columns and can only be processed in hexadecimal format.
DB2 on z/OS bulk data movement
| For each source or target DB2 subsystem, PowerExchange determines the internal code page numbers for data columns based on the column CCSIDs and the DB2CODEPAGE statement in the DBMOVER configuration file.
Nonrelational bulk data movement
| PowerExchange determines the internal code page number in the following order:
Nonrelational CDC
| PowerExchange determines the internal code page number in the following order:
PowerExchange records the code page of a field or data map in the CCT file when you create a capture registration.
Oracle bulk data movement
| PowerExchange determines the internal code page number from the character set portion of the NLS_LANG environment variable.
Optionally, you can use the ORACLECODEPAGE parameter in the DBMOVER configuration file.
Oracle CDC
| The PowerExchange internal code page for the columns from which changes are captured is always UTF-8.
Microsoft SQL Server
| PowerExchange determines the internal code page number from the collation sequence of the database.