Enables SQL to override the physical file name coded in the data map. This enables users to use ODBC to read NRDB and NRDB2 data from various files through one ODBC data Source. For ODBC, this is coded anywhere in the SQL as {DTLDSN=
Filename is any valid filename for the system on which it resides. For NRDB and NRDB2 the filename will override the file name specified in the PowerExchange data map NRDBSchema.NRDBMapName.NRDBTableName.
For the DB2 bulk load, filename will override the value FName specified in the ODBC setup (ODBC.INI).
For i5/OS, the fully-qualified library and table name to be used instead of that specified in the PowerExchange change data capture registration. For example:
If tables exist in multiple libraries you can define this by using an asterisk (*) instead of the library name. Matching tables in all libraries will be used.