Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange
  3. DBMOVER Configuration File
  4. Netport Jobs
  5. PowerExchange Message Logs and Destination Overrides
  6. SMF Statistics Logging and Reporting
  7. PowerExchange Security
  8. Secure Sockets Layer Support
  9. PowerExchange Alternative Network Security
  10. PowerExchange Nonrelational SQL
  11. DTLDESCRIBE Metadata
  12. PowerExchange Globalization
  13. Using the PowerExchange ODBC Drivers
  14. PowerExchange Datatypes and Conversion Matrix
  15. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps
  16. Appendix B: PowerExchange Glossary

Configuring a Parameter File with Additional Parameters for the HANA CAPI_CONNECTION

Configuring a Parameter File with Additional Parameters for the HANA CAPI_CONNECTION

You can create a parameter file that contains optional JDBC connection properties and certain optional PowerExchange parameters. Then specify the path and file name for this parameter file in the PARMFILE parameter of the HANA CAPI_CONNECTION statement in the dbmover.cfg file.
The parameter file has the following syntax:
DATABASE [JDBCPROPS=property1=value&property2=value&...] ; OPTIONS [MAXREADSIZE=
}] [
] ;
In the DATABASE section, you can include JDBC connection properties, such as compress and encrypt, that are used for connections to the SAP HANA database. For more information about these properties, see JDBC Connection Properties in the SAP HANA documentation.
In the OPTIONS section, you can include additional optional PowerExchange parameters. The following parameters can only be specified in this parameter file:
The number of SAP HANA records to process in a read cycle. You can use this parameter to reduce the size of a UOW and to improve the throughput of large source tables.
Controls whether the cycle progress is detailed in the log file. To show the cycle progress, specify Y.
Default is N.
You can also specify override settings for the following HANA CAPI_CONNECTION parameters:
  • SSL
If you use the parameter file to override existing parameter settingst, the log file shows both the override and original parameter values.
Example parameter file:
Enter JDBC properties under DATABASE, and enter the PowerExchange PROGRESS parameter under OPTIONS. Each section must end with a semicolon (;). For example:
DATABASE JDBCPROPS="autocommit=false&emptyTimestampIsNull=true&connectTimeout=6000&traceFile=traceFile.txt&traceOptions=CONNECTIONS" ; OPTIONS /* MAXREADSIZE=55 PROGRESS=Y ;


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