Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Mapping Specifications
  3. Mapping Specification Configuration
  4. Mapping Specification Objects
  5. Mapping Specification Profiles
  6. Sharing Mapping Specification Logic

Mapping Specification Guide

Mapping Specification Guide

Rules and Guidelines for Loading Mapping Specification Results to a Flat File

Rules and Guidelines for Loading Mapping Specification Results to a Flat File

Due to differences in flat file formats, some mapping specification results may not be loaded to a flat file.
Use the following rules and guidelines when you load the mapping specification results to a flat file:
Verify that the load file name does not contain non-English characters.
If you select a file name that contains non-English characters during the load process, the generated .txt or .csv flat file displays incorrect file and column names and incorrect data. Specify a file name that contains English characters.
Verify the number of rows in the mapping specification results.
If the results of a mapping specification contain a very large number of rows, the load operation may take a while to complete. If the load operation hangs, contact an administrator to disable and recycle the Analyst Service and cancel the load job from the Data Integration Service.


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