Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Glossary
  3. Finding Glossary Content
  4. Glossary Content Management
  5. Approval Workflow
  6. Glossary Administration
  7. User and Role Administration
  8. Appendix A: Glossary Asset Properties

Business Glossary Guide

Business Glossary Guide

Export and Import Glossaries and Templates Using infacmd

Export and Import Glossaries and Templates Using infacmd

You can use infacmd to export and import business glossaries. Use the commands when you want to export or import a number of glossaries without accessing the Analyst tool. Files that you export or import are in the .xlsx or .zip format.
The infacmd includes the following business glossary commands:
Lists the names of business glossaries which are available in the Analyst tool. Use
to identify the glossaries that you want to export.
Exports export business glossaries available in the Analyst tool. Choose to export cross glossary links, audit history, attachments, and templates to the .xlsx or .zip file using the options in the command.
Imports business glossaries to the Analyst tool. Choose to include cross glossary links, audit history, attachments, and templates when you import glossaries from the .xlsx or .zip file using the options in the command. You can also resolve conflicts that occur when assets have a similar name or ID.
For more information about the business glossary commands, see the
Informatica Command Reference


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