Informatica Data Quality
- Informatica Data Quality 10.5
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| Description
Unlock Code
| The license code that unlocks the reference data for the mode that the Code Type property identifies. The Developer tool displays the first four characters of the code and masks the other characters.
Code Type
| The mode of address validation that you can perform with the data that the license specifies. Informatica issues a single license code for each mode. The license code can apply to one or more countries.
You select the processing type in the
Mode option on the
General Settings tab. If the mode that you select does not correspond to an address data file on the domain, the address validation mapping will fail.
Country List
| The countries for which the unlock code unlocks the reference data.
The Country List property contains one or more ISO three-character codes for each country.
| The status of the license code. The property returns OK when the license file is valid.
Expiration Date
| The date on which the license expires.
The Expiration Date property and the Unlock Expiry Date property on the Address Validation Data Properties view represent the same information.