Relational to Hierarchical Transformation Overview
Relational to Hierarchical Transformation Overview
The Relational to Hierarchical transformation processes relational input and transforms it into hierarchical output. A Relational to Hierarchical transformation reads relational input from input ports and transforms the data to hierarchical output at the transformation output port. To transform relational input to hierarchical output, use a schema object to define the hierarchical structure.
You can use the Relational to Hierarchical transformation wizard to create a hierarchical structure that reflect the relational input ports. You can view the mapping for the hierarchical output ports in the transformation
After you create the transformation, you can pass the data from the hierarchical output port to another transformation in a mapping.
The Relational to Hierarchical transformation can process up to 10,000 schema elements in an .xsd file. To process more than 10,000 elements, split the data into multiple files.
In the relational model, each table schema identifies a column, called the primary key, to uniquely identify each row. You identify the relationship between each row in the table and a row in another table with a foreign key. The wizard generates keys when it creates the transformation. You can change an auto-generated transformation, and add, edit, or delete ports.
You can link an input relational port to a node in the hierarchy. Link a primary key from the relevant element or attribute in the hierarchy to a relational group in the input. The primary key identifies each row in the relational tables.
Link a foreign key from the relevant element or attribute in the hierarchy to a relational group in the input. A foreign key in the relational input is a column in one table that points to the primary key of another table.
The input relational port and the hierarchical node must have compatible data types.