The libhdfs API provides access to files in a Hadoop file system. Data Archive requires the libhdfs API files to access an archive in HDFS. The Hadoop installation includes the libhdfs API.
The Data Vault Service requires the following libhdfs files:
To install the libhdfs API, copy the libhdfs files to the machines where the following Data Vault Service components are installed:
Data Vault Service
On Windows, copy the files to the root of the Data Vault Service directory.
On UNIX, copy the files to
<Data Vault Service Directory>/odbc
Data Vault Agent
On Windows or UNIX, copy the files to the root of the Data Vault Agent directory.
If the Data Vault Agent is installed on multiple machines, copy the libhdfs API files to all machines that host a Data Vault Agent.
Data Vault Service plug-in for Data Archive
On Windows, copy the files to
<Data Archive Directory>\webapp\file_archive
On UNIX, copy the files to
<Data Archive Directory>/webapp/file_archive/odbc
After the installation, verify that the CLASSPATH environment variable includes the location of the libhdfs files.