You can generate credit card numbers based on the type of the card. You can choose from multiple credit card number formats.
You can select the credit card issuer type that you want to generate, specify the issuer identification number for the card, and the distribution percentage. You can generate test data for the following credit card types: American Express, Discover, JCB, Mastercard, and Visa. If you enter incorrect values for the credit card identification number, the workflow generation fails.
Use a credit card generation rule to generate data with string data type. You can generate formatted values for a credit card. For example, if the target is a Mastercard, you can configure the rule to generate a credit card number with the proper format of a Mastercard. The target credit card number contains numbers and hyphens in the following format:
You can generate unique values of credit card numbers. The generated credit card numbers must pass the credit card verification rules. Use Luhn's algorithm to validate the credit card number.
You cannot generate credit card numbers for numeric, date, and binary data types.
The following image shows the credit card generation parameters: