| Description
Encryption Type
| The type of encryption. Select Standard Encryption or Format Preserving Encryption.
Encryption Technique
| The technique to encrypt or decrypt the data.
Encryption Key
| Input key for the standard encryption technique. Enter an input key that is 16 characters or less.
Publish Rule
| Choose to configure the format preserving encryption rule as read-only.
Only domain administrators can make a read-only rule editable or delete a read-only rule.
Do Not Encrypt Characters
| Specify characters that you do not want to encrypt.
To delete a character, click the
X icon that displays with the character. To use the keyboard to delete a character, press
Tab or
Shift+Tab to select the character, and then press
Delete from the keyboard.
If you add a space character at the beginning or at the end, TDM does not encrypt spaces in the source data but does not show the space character in the
Do Not Encrypt Characters field.