Test Data Management
- Test Data Management 10.4.0
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the table.
| Name of the database schema.
| Name of the column to mask.
Data Type
| Data type of the column to mask.
| Name of the domain that you assigned to the column either from a data domain discovery or a manual assignment.
| Indicates if the column is a sensitive column. Value is Yes or No.
Similar Value Columns
| Indicates that the column is configured with other columns in a cascade. The column shows the number of other columns in the cascade.
| Policy name that the column is assigned to.
Masking Rule
| The rules to apply to the column. When you click inside the Masking Rule column, you can choose which rule to apply to the column. A preferred rule from a data domain has an asterisk (*) before the name.
| Shows the override property status for a rule. If the property is Yes, you can override the rule properties when you assign the rule to a column. When you override the rule parameters for a column the
Override column value is Yes-Overridden.