Advanced Options
| Description
Staging Connection
| A connection to a database for creating temporary staging tables. The default set in the Workflow Generation section appears. You can change the connection used in a plan. Use this connection for scenarios that involve Cyclic Subset, Tending to Cyclic subset, Inplace Batch Updates, Non Relational Shuffle, and Hierarchical PWX.
It is recommended that you use the source connection as the staging connection.
Storage Connection
| A connection to a database that contains storage tables. The Data Masking transformation maintains the storage tables for repeatable substitution and expression masking between sessions. A storage table row contains the source column and a masked value pair. The storage tables for substitution and expression masking are separate tables, IDM_SUBSTITUTION_STORAGE and IDM_EXPRESSION_STORAGE.
XML date-time format
| Appears if the source is an XML file. Date-time format defined in the session properties. Choose one of the following values:
Default is Local Time.
Datetime Format String
| Date-time format defined in the session properties. You can enter seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds.
Default is microseconds.
Enable High Precision
| Processes the Decimal datatype to a precision of 28. Default is No.
Tables Per Workflow
| Sets the number of tables to process in a workflow. Default is 10.
| Use to Reuse or Replace the mapplets in PowerCenter.
Max Parallel Sessions
| The maximum number of sessions that can run at the same time. Applicable if you disable indexes and constraints in the target by selecting the options under Target options.
| The workflow that you want to run before you run the workflow from the current plan.
| The workflow that you want to run after you run the current workflow from the current plan.
| Sets the locale.
A locale properties file corresponding to the locale you select must exist in the
<Informatica installation directory>/TDM/lang location.
Data Integrity for Subset
| Sets the integrity level for major constraints in the source data. Choose one of the following options:
Default is Transactional Integrity for Major Relation Type.
| An email address to send notifications to when the plan execution completes. Click settings to configure the email address, subject, and text of the email.
Target Load Type
| Choose Normal or Bulk.
If you select Normal, the PowerCenter Integration Service loads targets normally. Choose Normal mode if the mapping contains an Update Strategy transformation.
Choose Bulk to improve session performance. Bulk load limits the ability to recover because no database logging occurs.
Default is Normal.
Target Schema Name
| Table name prefix. Specify the target schema name if the target is in a different schema. Choose to enter a value or parameter. If you choose to enter a parameter, select the parameter name from the list. The list of parameters includes global parameters and project parameters. Global parameters are indicated with an asterisk (*).
If the target is Cassandra, you must specify the target schema name.
If the target is MongoDB, you must not specify the target schema name. TDM uses the data source name that you specify in the ODBC Data Source Administrator when you configure the MongoDB data source. TDM does not override the data source name with the target schema name at the plan level. If you specify the target schema name for MongoDB, the workflow fails.
Source Schema Name
| Table owner name. Specify the source schema name if the source is in a different schema. Choose to enter a value or parameter. Enter the schema name in uppercase unless the schema name is case sensitive in the database. If the schema name is case sensitive in the database, enter the name as in the database. If you choose to enter a parameter, select the parameter name from the list. The list of parameters includes global parameters and project parameters. Global parameters are indicated with an asterisk (*).
If the source is Cassandra, you must specify the source schema name.
If the source is MongoDB, you must not specify the source schema name. TDM uses the data source name that you specify in the ODBC Data Source Administrator when you configure the MongoDB data source. TDM does not override the data source name with the source schema name at the plan level. If you specify the source schema name for MongoDB, the workflow fails.
Batch Update
| Enables batch update to update target rows in a batch mode. Improves performance. Use with inplace masking.
You cannot perform batch updates if you use connection variables because you cannot use a parameter for the staging connection.
Batch Size
| The number of target rows that you want to move at a time. This option is available when you select the Batch Update as Yes. Use with inplace masking.
If a primary key or a unique constraint column contains a masking rule assignment, the batch size must be greater than or equal to the total number of records.
Recursive Executor Batch Update Size
| The number of rows that you want to update at a time in a data subset operation on tables with cyclic or tending to cyclic constraints. Required when you choose to use batch updates for recursive executor.
Use Oracle ROWID in Source
| Determines whether to use the ROWID from Oracle sources as a column. The ROWID indicates the physical location of a row in the database. Enabled when the Oracle source and target connections are the same.
Target Pre SQL
| An SQL statement to run before writing data to the target. Enter the complete SQL statement.
For example, if you want to alter the name of the target table before writing data to the target, specify the following pre SQL statement:
Where $TABLENAME is a parameter that you can select in the SQL statement.
Target Post SQL
| An SQL statement to run after writing data to the target. Enter the complete SQL statement.
For example, if you want to alter the name of the target table after writing data to the target, specify the following post SQL statement:
Where $TABLENAME is a parameter that you can select in the SQL statement.
Join parent and child tables using
| Choose how to join the parent and the child tables in the SQL. Choose one of the following options:
Enable special characters in metadata
| Select whether to allow special characters in plan metadata. Choose one of the following options:
Default is No.
Reset Recovery prefix
| Required if you are running the plan to recover records deleted during a failed reset operation. The backup recovery prefix that you entered during the reset operation.
Generate Mappings With Source Data type
| Select Yes if the data source was created with the ODBC connection type and if the source table or column names contain special characters. Select Yes when you want to generate a mapping with the actual source data type if ODBC does not support a data type. Applicable for databases that do not have native drivers support on Linux.
Shared Storage Table
| Enables sharing of the storage table between Data Masking instances. Enable Shared Storage Table when two Data Masking instances use the same dictionary column for the database connection, seed value, and locale. You can also enable the shared storage table when two ports in the same Data Masking instance use the same dictionary column for the connection, seed, and locale. Disable the shared storage table when Data Masking instances or ports do not share the dictionary column. Default is disabled.
DTM Buffer Size
| The Data Transformation Manager (DTM) buffer size specifies the amount of buffer memory that the PowerCenter Integration Service uses when the DTM processes a session.
Default Buffer Block Size
| The buffer block size specifies the amount of buffer memory used to move a block of data from the source to the target.
SSN High Group File
| The path to the High Group List directory that contains the Social Security numbers issued by the Social Security Administration.
DMO Cache Directory
| The location of the dictionary cache. You must have write permissions for the directory. Default is $PMCacheDir.
Cache Size
| The size of the dictionary cache in main memory. Increase the memory size in order to improve performance. Minimum recommended size is 32 MB for 100,000 records. Default is 8 MB.
Storage Commit Interval
| The number of rows to commit at a time to the storage table. Increase the value to increase performance. Configure the commit interval when you do not configure the shared storage table. Default is 100,000.
Pre 85 Timestamp Compatibility
| Trims subseconds to maintain compatibility with versions prior to 8.5. The PowerCenter Integration Service converts the Oracle Timestamp data type to the Oracle Date data type. The PowerCenter Integration Service trims subsecond data for the following sources and targets: