Asset Management

Asset Management

My Processes

My Processes

My Processes
page lists all the processes that were invoked by the currently logged-in user. To open the
My Processes
page, in
Application Integration
, select
My Processes
from the left navigation bar.
On the
My Processes
page, you see a list of your process instances that are running or have been run, along with the process version. States can be Running, Suspended, Completed, or Faulted.
The following image shows a sample
My Processes
The image shows a sample My Processes page.
My Processes
page is a subset of the
page in
Application Integration Console
. On the
My Processes
page, you only see processes invoked by the currently logged-in user. On the
page in
Application Integration Console
, you see processes invoked by all users in the organization.
You can access the following pages from the
My Process
Process View Detail
Click a process ID to see the
Process View Detail
page. You can see a chronological list of process activities, the process as it appears in the designer, and detailed step information. You can also access the
Active Process Detail
Process Version Listing
Click a process name to see the
Process Version Listing
page. See the target namespace, the version name, version number, plan ID, online date, offline date, and deployed date.
Deployed Process Version Details
Click a process version number to see the
Deployed Process Version Details
page. You can see the process version lifecycle, update a process version, and see your role and partner role details.
Start Date
End Date
fields use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
You can apply simple and advanced process filters to view the processes that you would like to monitor and analyze.
For more information, see
in the
Application Integration Console


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