Asset Management

Asset Management

Renaming projects, folders, and assets

Renaming projects, folders, and assets

You can rename projects, folders, and assets without losing references to objects that they use.
For example, if an asset named mt_ResolveClientList uses an asset named m_RegionToMainList, you can rename the mt_ResolveClientList asset to mt_ClientList and it will still reference the m_RegToMainList asset.
You can't use control characters or the following special characters in project, folder, asset, or tag names:
# ? ' | { } " ^ & [ ] / \
  1. On the
    page, navigate to the object that you want to rename.
  2. If your organization has enabled source control, check out the object that you want to rename.
  3. To rename an asset, in the row that contains the asset, click
    and select
  4. To rename a project or folder, in the row that contains the project or folder, click
    and select
  5. Enter the new name and click
    You cannot use special characters in a name or use the same name as another object that is in the same folder.
  6. If the object was checked out, check in the object so that the change is reflected in the Git repository.


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