Asset Management

Asset Management

Working with multiple objects

Working with multiple objects

You can select multiple objects to check in, check out, undo checkout, pull, or unlink.
The total size of the selected objects cannot exceed 50 MB.
You can select a project or folder or select multiple objects within a project or folder. When you include a project or folder or multiple objects in a source control action, a preview page appears that shows you the expected results of the action if you proceed. If an object listed on the preview page is not source controlled, it will be ignored. If an object is checked out by another user or you do not have permission to update the object, the status on the preview page shows that the action will fail. You can opt to remove any of the objects before you continue.
For example, in the Default project, you select the EastDist folder and the DistMapping asset to check out. The preview page includes the DistMapping asset, the EastDist folder, and all of the objects in the EastDist folder. You don't want to check out the East_ST asset so you clear its check box before you proceed with the checkout action. The following image shows the preview page:
The Check Out preview page shows an EastDist folder and the assets contained in the EastDist folder, and the DistMapping asset that is in the Default folder. All of the objects are selected except for the East_ST asset. The Status column shows that the check out will be successful for each object.
If you select multiple objects for a pull, the preview page lists all of the versions in the repository.
You can't delete multiple objects in one transaction.


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