Asset Management

Asset Management

Source control

Source control

You can use a GitHub, Azure DevOps, or Bitbucket Git source control repository with
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
to manage and track changes made to
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
objects such as projects, folders, and assets.
You can use source control to enable version management for the
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
objects that appear on the
page, except for
Data Integration
bundles. You cannot apply source control to objects that don't appear on the
page such as runtime environments or connections. The source control repository structure mirrors the structure in the organization, with
as the top level directory.
Each time a user performs an action on an object that is source controlled,
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
logs the action. You can view source control logs in the
service. For more information, see
Monitoring source control logs
in the Monitor help.
To use source control, the following prerequisites must be met:
  • The organization has the appropriate
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    licenses to use source control.
  • The organization administrator has configured a connection between the source control repository and the
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
  • Your user role has privileges to use the
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    source control feature.
  • You've entered your source control repository user credentials in
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
For information about configuring a connection between a Git source control repository and
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
, see the Administrator help.
Informatica recommends that you include no more than 1000 objects in a container such as a project or folder when you use a source control repository with
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services


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