Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Customer 360
  3. Before You Install
  4. Installing MDM - Customer 360
  5. After You Install
  6. Business Processes for Customer Management
  7. Customizing Customer 360
  8. Upgrading Customer 360
  9. Troubleshooting

Install the Portal Configuration Tool

Install the Portal Configuration Tool

Use the Portal Configuration tool to import and customize the preconfigured Customer Portal or create a custom portal.
  1. At a command prompt, navigate to the following directory:
    <MDM installation directory>/app/portal/bin
  2. Run one of the following scripts:
    • On Windows.
    • On Linux.
  3. At the prompts, enter the following parameters:
    MDM Hub installation directory
    Press Enter to use the default path or type the fully-qualified path to the directory where you installed the MDM Hub.
    Portal Configuration tool installation directory
    Press Enter to use the default path or type the fully qualified path to the directory where you plan to install the Portal Configuration tool.
    Application server
    Type the name of the application server in lowercase.
    Use one of the following values:
    • weblogic
    • jboss
    • websphere
    URL of the portal
    Enter the URL to access the portal in the following format:
    • Secure connections.
      https://<MDM Hub Server host name>:<MDM Server port number>/
    • Non-secure connections.
      http://<MDM Hub Server host name>:<MDM Server port number>/
    MDM Hub administrator user name
    Type the user name with administrative privileges to access the MDM Hub.
    ActiveVOS Console user name
    Type the user name with administrative privileges to access the ActiveVOS Console.
    Password for the ActiveVOS Console user name
    Type the password of the ActiveVOS Console user name.
    The script installs the Portal Configuration tool. After you install the Portal Configuration tool, you can import the preconfigured Customer Portal.


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