| Description
| A set of actions that you can perform on a record. Use the name attribute to specify the task type. For more information about task types, see the
Multidomain MDM Data Director Implementation Guide .
| User to whom the creator assigns the task.
| Short description for the task.
| Comments for the task.
| Attachments for the task.
| Date when the owner must complete the task.
| Status of the task in the workflow. Use one of the following two values:
| Level of importance of the task. Use one of the following values: high, normal, and low. Default is normal.
| User who creates the task.
| Date when you create the task.
| ID of the Operational Reference Store (ORS) as registered in the Databases tool in the Hub Console.
| ActiveVOS ® task type ID. For more information, see the
Multidomain MDM Data Director Implementation Guide .
| The business object root record or the cross-reference record associated with the task. Use the row ID or the source system and source key to specify the record.
| Name of the business entity to which the taskRecord belongs.
| ID of the interaction. Use the interaction ID to keep a task context relationship between a task and records.
| Assign a task to all users in the specified user groups. You define user groups in the MDM Hub Console. Specify the groups as an array.
taskRecord: [{ businessEntity:{ name: "Person", key:{ rowid: "233", } } }]
{ taskType: {name:"name of the task"}, owner: "user who performs the task", title: "title of the task", comments: "description of the task", attachments: [ { id: "TEMP_SVR1.1VDVS" } ], dueDate: "date to complete the task", status: "status of the task", priority: "priority of the task", creator: "use who creates the task", createDate: "date on which the task is created", updatedBy: "user who last updated the task", lastUpdateDate: "date on which the task was last updated", businessEntity: "name of the business entity", interactionID: "ID of an interaction", groups: ["group name A", "group name B", ...], orsId: "database ID", processId: "ActiveVOS task type ID", taskRecord: [{ businessEntity:{ name: "name of the business entity", key:{ rowid: "rowId of the record", //Use the rowId or the source system and source key to identify the record. } } }] }