Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Entity Services
  3. Enterprise Java Bean Business Entity Service Calls
  4. Representational State Transfer Business Entity Service Calls
  5. Simple Object Access Protocol Business Entity Service Calls
  6. Services for Cross-reference Records and BVT Calculations
  7. Supporting Corporate Linkage Service
  8. External Calls to Cleanse, Analyze, and Transform Data
  9. Using REST APIs to Add Records
  10. Using REST APIs to Upload Files

SOAP API Reference

SOAP API Reference

The SOAP API reference for business entity services lists the SOAP APIs and provides a description for each API. Also refer to the WSDL file for descriptions of the business entity services.
Use the following SOAP APIs to perform operations on business entities:
Get Metadata
Returns the data structure of a business entity.
List Record
Returns the list of lookup values or foreign key values.
Read Record
Returns the details of a root record in the business entity.
Create Record
Creates a record in the specified business entity.
Update Record
Updates the specified root record and its child records.
Delete Record
Deletes a root record in a business entity.
Search Record
Searches a string value in a searchable root business entity and returns the root records that match the search criteria.
Preview Promote
Returns a preview of a resulting record if you promote pending changes based on the interaction ID of the change request.
Promotes all pending changes made to a record based on the interaction ID of the change request.
Delete Promote
Deletes all pending changes that you make to a record based on the interaction ID of the change request.
Preview Merge
Returns a preview of a consolidated root record if you merge two or more root records.
Merge Records
Merges two or more root records to create a single consolidated record.
Unmerge Records
Unmerges a root record into individual root records that existed before the records were merged.
Get Related Records
Returns a list of related records based on the relationships that you configure in the Hierarchy Manager.
Read Matched Records
Returns records that match a specified root record.
Update Matched Records
Creates or updates a record in the match table.
Delete Matched Records
Deletes matched records from the match table.
Get BPM Metadata
Returns the task types and two indicators that specify whether the workflow adapter can perform the Get Task Lineage service and the administration services.
List Tasks
Returns a list of workflow tasks.
Read Task
Returns the details of a task.
Create Task
Creates a task and starts a workflow.
Update Task
Updates a single task.
Execute Task Action
Performs a task action and sets the task back to the workflow for further processing.
List Assignable Users
Returns a list of users to whom you can assign the tasks that belong to a task type.
Task Complete
Closes a task workflow after you complete all the tasks in the workflow.

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