| Description
| Required. Returns all the records of the specified business entity type in the query results. Set to
query , and use the parameter with the
filter parameter. When used without the
filter parameter, the query searches for all the records of the specified business entity type.
For example, use the following query to search for all the Person business entity records:
| Required. Specifies a list of field-value pairs separated by operators. Valid operators are AND, IN, and Range.
For example, use the following query to search for the Person records with the first name STEVE and the last name SMITH:
| Specifies the number of child record levels to return. For example, you can specify the following levels:
For example, use the following query to search for records with the first name STEVE and return information about the root record and its direct child records:
| Indicates whether the parent-child links are visible in the API response. Set the parameter to true to suppress all the parent-child links in the response. Default is false.
For example, use the following query to search for records with the first name STEVE and return a response where no parent-child links are visible:
| Indicates whether to return the system fields in the result. Default is false.
| Specifies the fields to display in the query results.
| Specifies the business entity view that you want to use to display the query results. When you configure the business entity view for the query results, include the fields that you want to display in the query results.
| Specifies the sort order of the query results. Use the plus (+) character as prefix to specify ascending order and the minus (-) character as prefix to specify descending order. By default, the query result is in ascending order.
When you specify more than one parameter, the result set is ordered by the parameter that is first in the list, followed by the next parameter.
Person?action=query&filter=firstName='STEVE' AND lastName='SMITH'
Person?action=query&filter=firstName IN [STEVE,JOHN]
<business entity field name>=[fromValue,toValue]
Person?action=query&filter=firstName IN [STEVE,JOHN] AND age=[35,45]
<business entity field name>=[fromDate,toDate]