Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Entity Services
  3. Enterprise Java Bean Business Entity Service Calls
  4. Representational State Transfer Business Entity Service Calls
  5. Simple Object Access Protocol Business Entity Service Calls
  6. Services for Cross-reference Records and BVT Calculations
  7. Supporting Corporate Linkage Service
  8. External Calls to Cleanse, Analyze, and Transform Data
  9. Using REST APIs to Add Records
  10. Using REST APIs to Upload Files

Write the Correct Value to the Master Record

Write the Correct Value to the Master Record

When you use a business entity service call to write a correct value to a master record, you also can establish the trust settings for the value. If you do not specify trust settings, the MDM Hub uses the administrator system settings.
The URL and request body to write the correct value with the administrator trust setting has the following format:
http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>/<row ID>?systemName=<source system providing the correct value>{ "<field name>": "<correct value>", "$original": { "<field name>": "<current value>", }, "TRUST": { "<field name>": { "trustSetting" : { custom: false } } } }
The URL and request body to write the correct value with defined trust settings has the following format:
http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>/<row ID>?systemName=<source system providing the correct value>{ "<field name>": "<correct value>", "$original": { "<field name>": "<current value>", }, "TRUST": { "firstName": { "trustSetting" : { custom: true, // if custom=true, all other trustSetting fields //are mandatory. If they are not set, //the service will return an error. minimumTrust: <minimum trust percent>, maximumTrust: <maximum trust percent>, timeUnit: "<units for measuring trust decay>", maximumTimeUnits: <number of units>, graphType: "<name of graph type>" } } } }

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