Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Entity Services
  3. Enterprise Java Bean Business Entity Service Calls
  4. Representational State Transfer Business Entity Service Calls
  5. Simple Object Access Protocol Business Entity Service Calls
  6. Services for Cross-reference Records and BVT Calculations
  7. Supporting Corporate Linkage Service
  8. External Calls to Cleanse, Analyze, and Transform Data
  9. Using REST APIs to Add Records
  10. Using REST APIs to Upload Files

Person Business Entity Structure

Person Business Entity Structure

We will add a Person record by using REST APIs. The Person root node is the uppermost node in the Person business entity structure. Under the Person root node, there are nodes for the employee details such as gender, address, and phone.
The following image shows the structure of the Person business entity: The Person business entity structure with labels. The second level in the structure contains address, phone, and gender nodes.
Person is the root node of the Person business entity. The node type, listed below the node name, indicates the relationship between the parent node and the child node. There is a one-to-one relationship between the Contact Address and the Address, which indicates that each contact address can only have one address associated with it. There is a one-to-many relationship between the Person and the Telephone, which indicates that a Person record can have many telephone number records associated with it. There is a one-to-one relationship between the Person and the Gender, which indicates that a person record can have only one gender value. The gender values reside in a lookup table. Similarly, the state code and country code values reside in lookup tables.


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