Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Getting Started with the MDM Hub Console
  4. Consolidating Data
  5. Managing Data
  6. Using the Hierarchy Manager
  7. Glossary

Increase the Trust Score

Increase the Trust Score

Click this button to increase the trust score of the selected cross-reference cell value to promote it over the cell value currently in the base object.
Increasing the trust score of a
value to higher than what is currently in the base object replaces the current value of the selected cell with the cell value from the selected
record. Typically, you do this when you want a lower trust value to be increased above a higher trust value.
This button is only active for trusted columns.
The Increase trust score option is very similar to the Merge Manager trust override option. When you highlight a row with a trust value and then click the Increase trust score button, Informatica MDM Hub prompts you to specify how confident you are of the correctness of the change.
The confidence level that you select determines the likelihood of the overridden value being updated by a subsequent data change from one of the contributing source systems.
Confidence Level
The data value will keep the same trust settings that it had before. This will result in a low trust level. (Remember that this was not the cross-reference cell with the highest trust level.) If this choice is unavailable, the radio button appears grey on the screen.
The maximum trust and minimum trust settings will be an average of the settings that you specified for (a) the source system that provides the cell value, and (b) the Informatica MDM Hub Admin system. In most cases, you should specify high trust settings for the Informatica MDM Hub Admin system. The other trust settings (decay period and decay type) are based on the source system that provides the cell value. Medium confidence is the default. If this choice is unavailable, the radio button appears grey on the screen.
Sets the maximum trust and minimum trust settings to the settings you specified for the Informatica MDM Hub Admin source system. The cell’s last update date will be changed to the current date. The other trust settings (decay period and decay type) will be based on the trust profile of the system that provides the cell value.
The Data Manager prompts you to provide trust settings that apply to only this data value (as shown in the figure below). You can specify the minimum and maximum trust, decay type, and other decay settings. For more information about trust settings, see “Configuring the Load Process” in the
Multidomain MDM Configuration Guide
To simplify data entry, if you change the trust score for one or more
rows and then click the
button, the Data Manager remembers your new trust settings and applies them to any subsequently selected
rows. As with any
row, you can choose to commit, change, or cancel these
trust values. This note applies only when the
Always Commit My Updates
check box is disabled (unchecked).
For the Cell Data panel, you can have the Data Manager commit (save) any of your changes automatically, or you can configure the Data Manager to allow you to commit your changes manually. This feature applies whenever you override the trust setting or edit a record in the Cell Data panel.


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