Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.5 HotFix 2
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http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>/<row ID>?systemName=<source system providing the correct value>{ "<field name>": "<correct value>", "$original": { "<field name>": "<current value>", }, "TRUST": { "<field name>": { "trustSetting" : { custom: false } } } }
http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>/<row ID>?systemName=<source system providing the correct value>{ "<field name>": "<correct value>", "$original": { "<field name>": "<current value>", }, "TRUST": { "firstName": { "trustSetting" : { custom: true, // if custom=true, all other trustSetting fields //are mandatory. If they are not set, //the service will return an error. minimumTrust: <minimum trust percent>, maximumTrust: <maximum trust percent>, timeUnit: "<units for measuring trust decay>", maximumTimeUnits: <number of units>, graphType: "<name of graph type>" } } } }