Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Entity Services
  3. EJB Business Entity Service Calls
  4. REST Business Entity Service Calls
  5. REST APIs for Data Director
  6. SOAP Business Entity Service Calls
  7. Cross-reference Records and BVT Calculations Services
  8. Supporting Corporate Linkage Service
  9. External Calls to Cleanse, Analyze, and Transform Data
  10. Appendix A: Using REST APIs to Add Records
  11. Appendix B: Using REST APIs to Upload Files
  12. Appendix C: Using REST APIs to Manage Reports

Query Parameters

Query Parameters

Use the task data fields as query parameters to filter the list of tasks.
You can use the following query parameters:
A set of actions that you can perform on a record. Use the name attribute to specify the task type. For more information about task types, see the
Multidomain MDM Data Director Implementation Guide
ID of the task.
ID of the workflow process that contains the task.
User who performs the task.
Short description for the task.
Status of the task in the workflow. Use one of the following two values:
  • Open: Task has not started or is in progress.
  • Closed: Task is completed or is cancelled.
Level of importance of the task. Use one of the following values: high, normal, and low.
User who creates the task.
createDateBefore and createDateAfter
Date range. You can filter the tasks by the createDate field.
dueDateBefore and dueDateAfter
Date range. You can filter the tasks by the dueDate field.
Shows available tasks based your user role. Use the
value to filter the list of tasks based on your role.
Users assigned the Task Administrator role can manage all tasks, while users assigned other user roles can only manage tasks available to their role.
Specifies the search term. The query searches for occurrences of the search term in tasks related to business entity records.
For example, the q=KAREN query searches tasks with the search term KAREN.
Use the query parameters as name-value pairs in the request URL.
The following example shows how to use the query parameters to filter tasks:
GET http://localhost:8080/cmx/cs/localhost-orcl-DS_UI1/task?scope=admin&recordsToReturn=100&owner=sergey&status=OPEN&q=KAREN


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