Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Entity Services
  3. EJB Business Entity Service Calls
  4. REST Business Entity Service Calls
  5. REST APIs for Data Director
  6. SOAP Business Entity Service Calls
  7. Cross-reference Records and BVT Calculations Services
  8. Supporting Corporate Linkage Service
  9. External Calls to Cleanse, Analyze, and Transform Data
  10. Appendix A: Using REST APIs to Add Records
  11. Appendix B: Using REST APIs to Upload Files
  12. Appendix C: Using REST APIs to Manage Reports

Test the Address Validation

Test the Address Validation

Use the REST APIs to verify that the validation step works. Create a Person record without an address. If the external call setup is correct, a validation error appears that indicates that a Person record must have at least one address.
To use the REST URLs, you need the database ID for the MDM sample ORS and an MDM user name.
  1. Find the database ID for the MDM sample ORS:
    1. Log in to the Hub Console.
    2. In the
      workbench, click
    3. Select the MDM sample database.
    4. In the
      Database Properties
      panel, copy the value for
      Database ID
      . Use this value in the REST URL.
  2. Use the Create API to create a Person business entity without an address.
    POST https://<host>:<port>/cmx/cs/<database id>/Person?systemName=<user name> { firstName: "John" }
    The validation test fails and displays the error. The Person record is not created.
  3. Create a Person business entity with an address.
    POST https://<host>:<port>/cmx/cs/<database id>/Person?systemName=<user name> { firstName: "John", Addresses: { item: [ { cityName: "Toronto" } ] } }
    The validation test passes without errors. The Person record is created.


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