Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Entity Services
  3. EJB Business Entity Service Calls
  4. REST Business Entity Service Calls
  5. REST APIs for Data Director
  6. SOAP Business Entity Service Calls
  7. Cross-reference Records and BVT Calculations Services
  8. Supporting Corporate Linkage Service
  9. External Calls to Cleanse, Analyze, and Transform Data
  10. Appendix A: Using REST APIs to Add Records
  11. Appendix B: Using REST APIs to Upload Files
  12. Appendix C: Using REST APIs to Manage Reports

Request URL

Request URL

The Search Record URL has the following formats:
URL for a simple search
Use the following URL for a simple search:
http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>?q=<string value>
Make the following HTTP GET request to the Search Record URL:
GET http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>?q=<string value>
URL for a fielded search
Use the following URL for a fielded search:
http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>?fq=<business entity field name>='<business entity field value>'
If you specify a negative numerical value for a business entity field, such as
, the ranking of the records that are returned might be affected.
URL for a facets search
Use the following URL for a simple search with facets:
http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>?q=<string value>&facets=<field name>
Use the following URL for a fielded search with facets:
http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>?fq=<business entity field name>='<business entity field value>'&facets=<field name>
URL for a filter search
Use the following URL for a simple search with filters:
http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>?q=<string value>&filters=<field name1>=<field value1> AND <field name2>=<field value2> ...
Use the q or the fq parameter in the search.
URL encoding
Use URL encoding because the URL includes characters, such as spaces and single quotation marks.
The following example shows the URL encoded representation of the Search Record URL:
http://<host>:<port>/<context>/<database ID>/<business entity>?q=<field name>%3D%27<value of the field>


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