Supplier 360
- Supplier 360 10.5 HotFix 3
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| Description
Assigned Tasks By User Roles
| Displays the total number of tasks assigned to each user role. If you click any user role in the chart, the Task Manager shows a list of tasks that belong to the selected user role.
Assigned Tasks By Users
| Displays the total number of tasks assigned to each user. If you click any user in the chart, the Task Manager shows a list of tasks that belong to the selected user.
Closed Tasks By Users
| Displays the total number of tasks closed by each user. If you click any user in the chart, the Task Manager shows a list of tasks that the selected user closed.
Contribution By Year
| Displays the number of suppliers added in each year.
Documents By Expiry Date
| Displays the number of suppliers whose documents will expire in the specified time period.
Open Tasks By Task Type
| Displays the total number of tasks that are open for each task type. If you click any task type in the chart, the Task Manager shows a list of tasks that are of the selected task type.
Source Systems
| Displays the total number of suppliers belonging to each source system. If you click any source system, the chart displays a breakdown of total number of suppliers belonging to the selected source system by year.
Supplier By Business Type
| Displays the total number of suppliers based on the business types.
Supplier By Category
| Displays the total number of suppliers based on the category of the suppliers.
Supplier By Region
| Displays the total number of suppliers distributed across the world in a map. If you click any country, the chart displays the number of suppliers distributed across the states of the selected country. If you click any city, a list of suppliers who belong to the selected city appears as search results.
Suppliers Onboarding Time
| Displays how long it took to onboard suppliers.
Task Priority Overview
| Displays the total number of tasks and breaks down the tasks by priority.
Task Status Overview
| Displays the total number of tasks and breaks down the tasks by status.