Informatica ActiveVOS
- Informatica ActiveVOS 9.2.6
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| Description
JNDI Location
| Location name used for JNDI look-ups.
Listener Class
| Message listener class name. The listener class dispatches messages to Process Server.
To deploy processes created with Process Developer, use the listener class name as .
If needed, you can create a custom listener class that extends the default listener class to include custom behavior. Specify the custom listener in this field.
Default is .
Listener Count
| Number of connections to keep open. When the server starts, the JMS manager creates instances of this class that serve as asynchronous consumers on the destination. Each asynchronous consumer has its own connection to the JMS server. The number of consumers and connections created is controlled by the listener count.
Default is
15 .
| JMS message selector string.
Default Service
| Specifies the name of the BPEL service to use when the target service cannot be determined from the addressing headers or message properties.
One alternative to specifying a service is to include the following JMS message property in the incoming message:
JmsTargetService = "myRoleServiceName"
Another alternative is to include a service name as a query parameter in a wsa: To header in a myRole partner link (for example,
<destination JNDI name>?<servicename> ).
These scenarios are for receiving XML messages over JMS.
Run-As Identity
| Specifies an identity for a JMS request. The identity is a role-based or group membership. If not specified, the request runs anonymously. Using this property is analogous to specifying an identity for a message-driven bean in
ejb-jar.xml .
Use this option if you want the JMS listener to invoke processes that have been secured with the
Allowed Roles restriction in the Process Deployment Descriptor (pdd). Another use case is using the aeRunAs header for Human Task (B4P) operations. This case allows you to specify a RunAs Identity with the abTrust security role.
Tenant Context
| Applicable for a MultiTenant-licensed server.
XA Transaction
| If enabled for a supported platform, and if the required setup has been performed, indicates that a JMS read from the queue and the process engine must participate in the same transaction.
Rollback On Error
| Select the
Rollback On Error option if you want to decline messages that encounter an exception, or failed messages, and move to the next message. For example, the exception could be because of an authentication failure.
If you select this option, you must configure how the message server must handle failed messages. For example, you can configure the message server to redeliver failed messages for a specified number of times. Or, you can configure the server to move failed messages to a dead letter queue and take action later. For example, add the following policy entry to configure Apache ActiveMQ server to move failed messages to a dead letter queue:
Here, if the original queue is
userIDs , the dead letter queue that Apache ActiveMQ server creates is
DLQ.userIDs .
Rollback on Error option does not apply to messages that were delivered to target processes. A message is considered successfully processed if it invokes a target process, even if the process fails.
For new queues and listeners, the
Rollback on Error option is selected by default.