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Administration Console

Administration Console

Creating a New Process Schedule

Creating a New Process Schedule

To create a scheduled process, click
Create Schedule
at the top of the
page. You see the following dialog box:
The Execution Schedule dialog box that you use set process schedule properties.
Execution Schedule
Provide a name to appear in the schedule list.
  • Once
    . Select this to execute on the start date and time specified.
    This option is good for running a test execution. You can then duplicate the details for a different execution schedule.
  • Intraday
    . Multiple execution times within a day.
  • Daily
    , or
    allow for fine-grained control of the frequency schedule
Start Date on Server
For one-time (Frequency = Once) execution, type in a date, or select the Date Chooser to enter a date. In the Date Chooser, select Now to enter the current day.
Start Time on Server
The default is midnight (00:00:00). Type in a time of day, or select the Date Chooser to enter a time. In the Date Chooser, select Now to enter the current time.
Schedule Options
  • For
    , select a period of hours, minutes or seconds. Optionally enable the start and end hours.
  • For
    , select
    Every Day
    Every Weekday
    (M-F), or
    Every n day
  • For
    , select one or more days of the week. For example, select Monday to execute every Monday. Select Monday and Thursday to execute every Monday and Thursday. Optionally, specify a weekly execution frequency of 1 to n, where n schedules every 2nd, 3rd, or nth week, such as 12th week.
  • For
    , select a specific day, or select the first, second, third, fourth, or last day of the month. For example, select Last Monday to execute on the last Monday of the month.
    To execute on the last day of each month, enter a Day of
    . The correct last day of the month is adjusted. Select the months individually, if desired. By default, all months are selected.
Run Options
Select from the following options:
  • Skip if previous still running
    ). Does not schedule another process instance if the previous instance did not complete.
  • Terminate previous if still running
    . Terminates a previously scheduled execution prior to starting a new instance.
  • Always create new process
    . Schedules a new process execution regardless of the status of any prior executions.
Cancel When Max Queue Exceeded
Disables the scheduler when the dispatch service queue exceeds the maximum threshold value. Do not select the check box if you want the scheduler to run even after the dispatch service queue exceeds the maximum threshold value. If you don't enable the option, the scheduler operation post reaching the maximum threshold value gets recorded as an exception.
Service Name/Select Service
If the service type is BPEL, type in a service name. Open the
Service Definitions
list to view names, then type in just the service name (without any extensions), such as
Input Document/POST Body
If the process is implemented using Process Developer and of BPEL type, follow either of the below steps:
  • If the process implements a SOAP interface, enter the SOAP input message data contained within the SOAP Body Element, that is, the XML input message used to invoke the process. The data must conform to the WSDL interface of the process.
  • If the process implements a REST interface, you first need to create a SOAP wrapper for the REST service. Then, follow the instructions above.
After you enter this information, Process Server creates a new scheduled process and you see that it appears in the Scheduled Process page.
See also
Managing and Modifying Execution Schedules


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