Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Process Console Introduction
  3. Home
  4. Monitor
  5. Catalog, Reports, and Custom Faults
  6. Admin

Administration Console

Administration Console

Dispatch Queue

Dispatch Queue

Use the dispatch service to create dispatch configurations that throttle requests made to Process Server.
The requests could be HTTP/S messages, message events, or other Transport Layer Security (TLS) requests. You can queue requests, dispatch requests in batches, and control the maximum number of requests that run concurrently.
For example, you have a frequently used process that quickly dispatches asynchronous requests to Process Server. At runtime, if thousands of these requests execute simultaneously, the result can overwhelm the server and the service being invoked. Use the dispatch service to send requests in batches and to ensure that only a few requests are processed at the same time.
You can use the dispatch service for services that run on the Secure Agent. You cannot use the dispatch service for services that run on the cloud server.
Create a dispatch configuration for a service or process group. At runtime,
Application Integration
chooses the dispatch configuration in the following order of preference:
  1. Service Name
  2. Process Group
  3. System Default
For example, the service
has the following dispatch configurations that apply to it:
  • processA_event1
    (Service Name)
  • GroupABC
    (Process Group)
  • SystemDefault
When Process Server executes
, the
dispatch configuration applies.
The dispatch service applies to all requests except for subprocess invokes that contain boundary events. For example, if a subprocess step contains a message event, the dispatch service will not apply to the subprocess.
However, if you use a service call step to add a subprocess, the dispatch applies to all subprocess configurations, including subprocesses with boundary events.

Default and Custom Dispatch Services

Process Server has default dispatch services.
The following table shows the default dispatch services and their purpose:
Default Dispatch Service
Applies to all services.
Applies to service connectors.
Enables the host runtime to PUT records using a database connection.
Enables the host runtime to DELETE records using a database connection.
Enables the host runtime to access records using a database connection.
Enables the host runtime to GET records using a database connection.
Enables a process to call other processes as a services.
Applies to the JMS automated step.
Enables the host runtime to access a Salesforce database using a Salesforce connection.
To create a custom dispatch configuration, go to
Server Configuration
and select a Secure Agent. Then, go to
Dispatch Queue

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