Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Process Console Introduction
  3. Home
  4. Monitor
  5. Catalog, Reports, and Custom Faults
  6. Admin

Administration Console

Administration Console

Viewing Process Definitions

Viewing Process Definitions

The Process Definitions page lists all business processes that were deployed to the server. For each, basic process version information is displayed, as shown in the following figure and table.
Process Definitions page
Local part of the process qualified name (
Active Ver.
Version that process instances can attach to or can run to completion. Normally the active version is the current version. However, if the current version reached its expiration date, active processes can run to completion based on the offline pending (expired) version.
Number of deployed versions stored in the database
Online Pending Ver.
Yes-no field indicating whether a process version has an effective date set to a future date
Group this process belongs to, as added in the PDD file.
In a multitenant system, the tenant associated with the process definition.
Process versions can be in one of the following states:
  • Online—By default, when no version information is specified in a deployment descriptor, a deployed process is the online (current) version with an immediate effective date. It is ready to receive requests.
  • Online Pending—If an effective date is specified in a process’ deployment descriptor, a process has an online pending (future) version.
  • Offline Pending—A version is offline pending (expired) if reaches the expiration date specified in a process’ deployment descriptor, you manually set the version offline and there are running process instances or a newer version is deployed while there are running process instances.
  • Offline—When all process instances of an offline pending version complete, a process version is offline.
Select a process to display the
Deployed Process Version Detail
page. For additional information, see
Deployed Process Detail Graph
Process Version Life Cycles
Selection Filters
You can select the following Selection Filters to view a subset of processes:
  • Process Status—As listed above:
  • Process Name—Type in the name. You can use wildcards, such as tutor*.*, and select
  • Process Group—Type in the group name, and select
    . There is a default System group, which is hidden by default. Remove the checkmark from Hide System to display System processes.

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