Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference

Mask rule parameter attributes for masking techniques

Mask rule parameter attributes for masking techniques

Define the parameter attribute values of a mask rule parameter when you run the
task. The attributes that you define depend on the masking technique that you apply.
For example, to mask a billing city field with the Substitution City masking technique, define the following attributes:
[ { "referenceField": "BillingCity", "pcType": "string", "precision": 40, "paramMap": { "isSeeded": "TRUE", "seedValue": "190", "dicName": "informatica_mask_us_towns.dic", "outputPort": "TOWNNAMES", }, "maskingType": "Substitution City" } ]
The following table lists the attributes that you define for each masking technique:
Masking Technique
Credit Card
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • keepCardIssuer
  • targetIssuer
Custom Substitution
  • DicConn
  • DicName
  • outputPort
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
Email address
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
IP address
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
Key Date
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
Key Numeric
  • override
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
Key String
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • useMaskFormat
  • maskFormat
  • useSrcFilter
  • srcFilterOption
  • srcFilterStr
  • useTargetFilter
  • targetFilterOption
  • targetFilterStr
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
Random Date
  • useRange
  • minWidth
  • maxWidth
  • useBlurring
  • blurringUnit
  • blurLow
  • blurHigh
Random Numeric
  • useRange
  • minWidth
  • maxWidth
  • useBlurring
  • blurringOption
  • blurLow
  • blurHigh
Random String
  • useRange
  • minWidth
  • maxWidth
  • useMaskFormat
  • useSrcFilter
  • srcFilterStr
  • useTargetFilter
  • targetFilterOption
  • targetFilterStr
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • startDigit
  • startDigitValue
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
Substitution City
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • DicName
  • outputPort
Substitution Country
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • DicName
  • outputPort
Substitution Female Name
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • DicName
  • outputPort
Substitution Last Name
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • DicName
  • outputPort
Substitution Male Name
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • DicName
  • outputPort
Substitution Name
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • DicName
  • outputPort
Substitution Position
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • DicName
  • outputPort
Substitution State
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • DicName
  • outputPort
Substitution Street
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • DicName
  • outputPort
Substitution U.S. ZIP code
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue
  • DicName
  • outputPort
  • isSeeded
  • seedValue


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