Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference

Unpublishing taskflows in bulk

Unpublishing taskflows in bulk

You can use the unpublish resource to unpublish a single taskflow or multiple taskflows simultaneously and save time.
The taskflows are unpublished in the same order as given in the request payload. You can unpublish a maximum of 199 taskflows at a time.
  1. In a REST client, use a POST request with the following URL:
    <Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services URL>/active-bpel/asset/v1/unpublish
    For example:
  2. Add the following headers:
    Use the login resource to get the session ID. For more information about the login resource, see
    REST API Reference
  3. In the body, use the assetPaths attribute to specify one or more locations and names of the taskflows that you want to unpublish.
    Use the following format:
    { "data": { "type": "unpublish", "attributes": { "assetPaths": [ "Explore/<location-of-taskflow1>/<name-of-taskflow1>.TASKFLOW.xml", "Explore/<location of taskflow2>/<name-of-taskflow2>.TASKFLOW.xml", "Explore/<location-of-taskflown>/<name-of-taskflown>.TASKFLOW.xml" ] } } }
  4. Send the POST request.
    You see an unpublish job ID and a success or failure response. If the request fails, the response also gives the error details.
    The following snippet shows a sample response:
    { "data": { "type": "unpublish", "id": "7645874567965431", "attributes": { "jobState": "NOT_STARTED", "jobStatusDetail": {}, "startedBy": "autouser_pod1", "startDate": "2022-03-21T09:09:04.000+0000", "totalCount": 1, "processedCount": 0, "assetPaths": [ "Explore/Pavan/BulkUnpublishApi/BPTaskflow1.TASKFLOW.xml" ] } }, "links": { "self":, "status": } }
    The unpublish job ID in this example is 7645874567965431.
  5. To view information about the unpublish status and unpublish job, use a GET request with the following URLs:
    <Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services URL>/active-bpel/asset/v1/unpublish/<unpublishId>/Status
    Displays the unpublish status.
    <Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services URL>/active-bpel/asset/v1/unpublish/<unpublishId>
    Displays the unpublish job information.


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