Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference

Configuring Secure Agent service properties for Secure Agent groups

Configuring Secure Agent service properties for Secure Agent groups

You can use the runtimeEnvironment resource to configure Secure Agent service properties for a Secure Agent group. When you add a Secure Agent to the Secure Agent group, the agent uses the group-level property settings by default instead of using the Secure Agent service default settings.
The Secure Agent service properties that you can configure for a Secure Agent group depend on which services and connectors are assigned to the group. To see the editable properties for a particular Secure Agent group, you can send a GET request for configuration details.
The following rules apply when you configure Secure Agent service properties for a Secure Agent group:
  • When you add a Secure Agent to a Secure Agent group that is configured to use group-level property settings, the group-level property settings replace the agent's property settings. If the agent has custom properties, the custom properties are removed.
  • When you move a Secure Agent from a Secure Agent group that is configured to use group-level property settings to a group that doesn't use group-level property settings, the agent retains the property settings that were configured at the group level.
Do not configure agent-level Secure Agent service property settings for an agent in a Secure Agent group that uses group-level property settings. If you want to configure agent-level property settings, delete the group-level property settings before you configure the agent properties.

GET request

Use a GET request to get a list of editable Secure Agent service properties that you can configure for a Secure Agent group.
You can also get a list of group-level properties that have overridden Secure Agent service default property settings.
Include the Secure Agent group ID in the URI. Optionally, include the platform in the URI. You can use linux64 or win64. The default platform is linux64.
Use one of the following URIs:
  • To get a list of editable properties, use the following URI:
  • To get a list of group-level properties that override the Secure Agent service default property settings, use the following URI:

GET response

A successful response returns the Secure Agent services, property types, and the following fields in the property type object:
Property name.
Value used for all agents added to the Secure Agent group.
Whether the property is a custom property.
Whether the property value is sensitive data that is masked.

GET response example

The following example shows a request to get information about the properties that have overridden the Secure Agent service default property settings:
GET <serverUrl>/api/v2/runtimeEnvironment/<id>/configs/<platform> HTTP/<HTTP version> Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json icSessionId: <SessionId>
If you request the properties that have overridden the Secure Agent service default property settings, you might receive a response similar to the following example:
{ "Data_Integration_Server": [ { "TOMCAT_CFG": [ { "name": "MySQL_JDBC_DRIVER_JARNAME", "value": "mysql-connector-java-8.0.13.jar" }, { "name": "NetworkTimeoutPeriod", "value": "335" } ] }, { "PMRDTM_CFG": [ { "name": "SalesforceConnectionTimeout", "value": "311" }, { "name": "customConfig-DTM-DIX-linux", "value": "custom-new", "isCustom": "true" } ] } ] }

PUT request

Use to configure Secure Agent service properties for a Secure Agent group. The properties that you configure will override the default property settings for the specified Secure Agent service. Include the Secure Agent group ID in the URI.
Optionally, include the platform in the URI. You can use linux64 or win64. The default platform is linux64.
Use the following URI:
In the body of the request, include the Secure Agent service name, the property type, and a name/value pair for the property, for example:
{ "<Secure Agent service name>": [ { "<Property type 1>": [ { "name": "<property name>", "value": "<property value>" }, { "name": "<property name>", "value": "<property value>" } ] }, { "<Property type 2>": [ { "name": "<property name>", "value": "<property value>" }, { "name": "<property name>", "value": "<property value>" } ] } ] }
Use the service and property names as shown in a GET response. For example, for the Data Integration Server service, use
The properties that you don't include in the request will retain their existing settings.
Include the following fields in the property type object:
Property name.
Value to use for all agents added to the Secure Agent group.
To use the system default value, use APP_DEFAULT.
Whether the property is a custom property.
Default is False.
Whether the property value is sensitive data that you want to mask.
Default is False.
Returns a success code if successful or errors if unsuccessful.

PUT request example

If you want to configure the TOMCAT_CFG property type for the Data Integration Server service, the request might be similar to the following example:
PUT <serverUrl>/api/v2/runtimeEnvironment/00000425000000000004/configs Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json icSessionId: <icSessionId> { "Data_Integration_Server": [ { "TOMCAT_CFG": [ { "name": "MySQL_JDBC_DRIVER_JARNAME", "value": "mysql-connector-java-8.0.14.jar" }, { "name": "customConfig-Tomcat-DIS-linux", "value": "custom-new", "isCustom": "true" } ] } ] }

DELETE request

You can delete Secure Agent service property settings that were configured for a Secure Agent group. When you delete the group-level properties, the settings for all of the Secure Agents in the group change to the Secure Agent service default settings. Custom properties that were created for the Secure Agent group are removed.
To delete the property settings for a Secure Agent group, include the Secure Agent group ID in the following URI:
Returns a success code if successful or errors if unsuccessful.

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