Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference

Creating a schedule

Creating a schedule

Use the schedule resource to create a schedule for the organization.

POST request

To create a schedule, use the following URI:
You can use the following fields in a schedules object:
Schedule name.
Description of the schedule.
Status of the schedule. Use one of the following values:
  • enabled
  • disabled
Default is enabled.
Date and time when the schedule starts running, in UTC format.
Date and time when the schedule stops running. If you do not use this parameter, the schedule runs indefinitely.
Interval or repeat frequency at which the schedule runs tasks. Use one of the following options:
  • None. Tasks run at the schedule start time. The schedule does not repeat.
  • Minutely. Tasks run on an interval based on the specified number of minutes, days, and time range. You can use the following parameters:
    • frequency. Frequency in minutes that tasks run.
    • sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat. The days of the week that tasks run.
    • startTimeRange and endTimeRange. The time range within a day tasks should run. Do not use if you want tasks to run all day.
    • endTime. When the schedule should stop running. Do not use if you want the schedule to run indefinitely.
  • Hourly. Tasks run on an hourly interval based on the start time of the schedule. You can use the following parameters:
    • frequency. Frequency in hours that tasks run.
    • sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat. The days of the week that tasks run.
    • startTimeRange and endTimeRange. The time range within a day tasks should run. Do not use if you want tasks to run all day.
    • endTime. When the schedule should stop running. Do not use if you want the schedule to run indefinitely.
  • Daily. Tasks run on a daily interval based on the start time configured for the schedule. You can use the following parameters:
    • frequency. Frequency in days that tasks run.
    • weekDay. Runs the tasks every weekday. Do not use if you want the tasks to run every day.
    • endTime. When the schedule should stop running. Do not use if you want the schedule to run indefinitely.
  • Weekly. Tasks run on a weekly interval based on the start time of the schedule. You can use the following parameters:
    • sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat. The days of the week that tasks run.
    • endTime. When the schedule should stop running. Do not use if you want the schedule to run indefinitely.
  • Biweekly. Tasks run every two weeks based on the start time of the schedule. You can use the following parameters:
    • sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat. The days of the week that tasks run.
    • endTime. When the schedule should stop running. Do not use if you want the schedule to run indefinitely.
  • Monthly. Tasks run on a monthly interval based on the start time of the schedule. You can use the following parameters:
    • dayOfMonth. Day of the month when you want tasks to run, between 1-28.
    • dayOfWeek. Day of the week when you want tasks to run.
    • weekOfMonth. Week of the month when you want tasks to run.
    • endTime. When the schedule should stop running. Do not use if you want the schedule to run indefinitely.
To indicate when tasks should run, use dayOfWeek with weekOfMonth, such as the First Monday. Or use dayOfMonth, such as 1.
Tip: To run tasks on the last day of the month, use the Last weekOfMonth parameter with the Day dayOfWeek parameter.
Default is no interval.
Repeat frequency for tasks. Use one of the following values:
  • For Minutely intervals, use one of the following options: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45.
    Default is 5.
  • For Hourly intervals, use one of the following options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12.
    Default is 1.
  • For Daily intervals, use number of days between 1 -30.
    Default is 1.
Use with Minutely, Hourly, and Daily intervals only.
The start of the time range within a day that you want tasks to run. Enter a date and time using standard date/time format. Only the time portion is used.
Use with Minutely, Hourly, and Daily intervals only.
The end of the time range within a day that you want tasks to run. Enter a date and time using standard date/time format. Only the time portion is used.
Use with Minutely, Hourly, and Daily intervals only.
Runs tasks on Sunday at the configured time.
You can use the sun - sat parameters to run tasks on several days of the week.
Use with Minutely, Hourly, Weekly, and Biweekly intervals only.
Runs tasks on Monday at the configured time.
See description for sun.
Runs tasks on Tuesday at the configured time.
See description for sun.
Runs tasks on Wednesday at the configured time.
See description for sun.
Runs tasks on Thursday at the configured time.
See description for sun.
Runs tasks on Friday at the configured time.
See description for sun.
Runs tasks on Saturday at the configured time.
See description for sun.
Runs tasks on weekdays. Use one of the following options:
  • True. Run tasks on Monday through Friday. Does not run tasks on the weekend.
  • False. Run tasks every day.
Use with the Daily interval only.
Date of the month that tasks should run. Use a date between 1-28.
Use with the Monthly interval only.
Tip: To run tasks on the last day of the month, use the Last weekOfMonth parameter with the Day dayOfWeek parameter.
Week of the month that tasks should run. Use with dayOfWeek to specify the day and week of the month that tasks should run. For example, the First Day or the Last Wednesday of the month.
Use one of the following options:
  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • Fourth
  • Last
Use with the Monthly interval only.
Day of the week that tasks should run. Use with weekOfMonth to specify the day and week of the month that tasks should run. For example, the First Day or the Last Wednesday of the month.
Use one of the following options:
  • Day
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
Use with the Monthly interval only.
Time zone that the schedule uses for the dayOfMonth, weekOfMonth, and dayOfWeek fields.
Default is UTC.
For more information, see Appendix A, Time zone codes

POST request example

To create a schedule, your request might look something like the following example:
POST <baseApiUrl>/public/core/v3/schedule Accept: application/json INFA-SESSION-ID: <sessionId> { "name": "my_schedule_1", "startTime" : "2023-09-18T22:00:00.000Z", "interval" : "Minutely", "frequency" : 5, "mon" : true, "wed" : true, "status" : "enabled" }

POST response

Returns the schedules response object for the schedule that you created or updated.
Returns an error object if errors occur.
A successful response might look like the following example:
{ "id": "8oKIw0ib9qMg1lGIWNPzkdD000000000000H", "createTime": "2023-09-10T11:48:28.000Z", "updateTime": "2023-09-10T11:48:28.000Z", "createdBy": "dev_scott", "updatedBy": "dev_scott", "name": "my_schedule_1", "rangeStartTime": null, "rangeEndTime": null, "status": "enabled", "frequency": 5, "description": null, "mon": true, "tue": false, "wed": true, "thu": false, "fri": false, "sat": false, "sun": false, "weekDay": false, "dayOfMonth": 0, "weekOfMonth": null, "dayOfWeek": null, "scheduleFederatedId": "1BrVocfYMAzeQHwXaaMWe7", "startTime": "2020-12-25T12:00:00.000Z", "endTime": null, "interval": "Minutely", "timeZoneId": "America/Los Angeles" }

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