Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference

Starting an import job

Starting an import job

Use a POST request to specify and start an import job. You can import objects such as assets, connections, Secure Agent configurations, and schedules.

POST request

In the request, include a list of objects to import and parameters to resolve any conflict resolution that might occur. An example of a conflict resolution might be if you try to import an asset that has the same name as another asset in the target organization.
You can specify a runtime environment that exists in the target organization to use instead of the source runtime environment provided that the connector types and versions are the same. To find a list of the runtime environments in the target organization, you can use the lookup resource.
When you import a
Data Integration
shared sequence or a mapping task that contains in-out parameters or sequences, you can choose to retain, reset, or overwrite persisted values.
To specify the import objects and start the import job, use the following URI:
The <id> is the import job ID received in the POST response for the import package upload.
To get the object IDs that you want to include in the request, you can use the lookup resource. For more information, see Lookup.
Include the following fields in the request:
Name of the import job.
Default name is job-<currentTimeInMilliseconds>
Complex type
Used to specify import specifications. By default, the import includes all objects in the import package with default conflict resolution settings.
Include in the importSpecification object.
Whether to overwrite existing objects with all of the objects in the import file. Includes the following options:
  • OVERWRITE. Overwrite the existing objects with the objects in the import file.
    Default value for assets.
  • REUSE. Use the existing objects. If an object doesn't exist, it is created.
    Default value for connections, runtime environments, projects, folders, and schedules.
Include in the importSpecification object.
Objects to include in the import. You can use the lookup resource to find the object IDs.
By default, the import includes all objects in the import package.
If the specified object is a project, the import includes all assets that belong to the project and all dependent objects that are not already present in the target organization.
If the specified object is an asset, the import creates the asset's containers (project, folder) if they do not already exist.
Informatica recommends that you include no more than 1000 objects in an import job.
Collection <complex type>
Include in the importSpecification object.
Specifies the object properties. If properties are not specified for a particular object, the import uses the default conflict resolution settings.
Include in the objectSpecification object.
Whether to overwrite an existing asset with an asset in the import file. Includes the following options:
  • OVERWRITE. Overwrite the existing asset with the asset in the import file.
  • REUSE. Use the existing object. If the object doesn't exist, it is created.
Applicable to assets, for example, Data Integration mapping tasks, Application Integration guides, B2B Gateway suppliers, and Data Quality dictionaries. Do not use for projects, folders, runtime environments, or connections.
The import includes connections and runtime environments associated with the asset if they do not exist in the target organization.
Include in the objectSpecification object.
The object ID in the export package file.
Required if objectSpecification is present.
Include in the objectSpecification object.
Used for Container to Container mapping, as well as some asset to asset mappings.
Use to specify a connection or runtime environment that exists in the target organization. The target object must use the same connector type and version that is used in the source object.
Include in the objectSpecification object.
Determines whether to merge incoming asset tags with asset tags in the target project.
Default is False.
Collection <complex type>
Additional object specifications.
Use key-value pairs to retain, reset, or overwrite persisted values when you import a
Data Integration
shared sequence or a mapping task that contains in-out parameters or sequences.
For new assets, use the key, "mapping_conflict_new" and one of the following values:
  • RESET. Creates the asset using the initial, default values as defined in the source.
  • RETAIN. Creates the asset using the current values from the source.
For existing assets, use the key, "mapping_conflict_existing" and one of the following values:
  • RESET. Resets persisted values to the initial, default value.
  • RETAIN. Ignores the values coming from the source.
  • REPLACE. Overwrites persisted values in the target with values from the source.

POST request example

You might use a request similar to the following example:
POST <baseApiUrl>/public/core/v3/import/2oZb7vFI2QQg4ncd4AyCGn Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json INFA-SESSION-ID: <sessionId> { "name" : "testImportName", "importSpecification" : { "defaultConflictResolution" : "REUSE", "includeObjects" : [ "jJGyAmd8Q8odiyvToQhhAQ", "kDjmdtmJlkvfnAlWYaSe2S", "9pJkLYz9B3ucEj4wpXjqg2", "0VHocWvMryobgyuGUsObMJ", "71ggUXTyXQxhb81D57aKs0" ], "objectSpecification" : [{ "sourceObjectId" : "jJGyAmd8Q8odiyvToQhhAQ", "conflictResolution" : "OVERWRITE", "additionalProviderFlags":[ { "key":"mapping_conflict_policy", "value":"RESET" } ] }, { "sourceObjectId": "kDjmdtmJlkvfnAlWYaSe2S", "conflictResolution": "OVERWRITE" }, { "sourceObjectId": "9pJkLYz9B3ucEj4wpXjqg2", "conflictResolution": "REUSE" }, { "sourceObjectId": "0VHocWvMryobgyuGUsObMJ", "conflictResolution": "REUSE" }, { "sourceObjectId": "71ggUXTyXQxhb81D57aKs0", "conflictResolution": "REUSE" }] } } }

POST response

If successful, returns the following information for the import job:
ID of the import job.
Time the import job was created.
last time the import job was updated.
Name of the import job.
Start time of the import job.
End time of the import job.
Status of the package upload.
Returned in the status object.
Import state of the individual object, such as IN PROGRESS, SUCCESS, or FAILED.
Returned in the status object.
Import job status message.
Objects included in the import job.
Organization ID of the organization that created the export package that was imported.

POST response examples

If successful, you might receive a response similar to the following example:
{ "id": "2oZb7vFI2QQg4ncd4AyCGn", "createTime": "2024-02-26T08:40:09.000Z", "updateTime": "2024-02-26T08:55:53.238Z", "name": "ImportName", "startTime": "2024-02-26T08:55:53.232Z", "endTime": "2024-02-26T08:53:03.000Z", "status": { "state": "IN_PROGRESS", "message": "In Progress." }, "objects": null, "sourceOrgId": "0VOx1gScNH7dlDyA4tD8yX" }
If you receive an error, you might see a response similar to the following example:
{ "error": { "code": "MigrationSvc_040", "message": "User does not have required permissions.", "requestId": "2ataXVlgw3ydI1Yb2MA4sq" } }

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We’d like to hear from you!
Andy Marcus - March 15, 2024

I ended up on this link from a GSA ticket where they referenced this KB

The entire process was straight forward till the actual starting of the import job.

The job failed with an error about the runtime environment not found:

OIE_008 ERROR 2024-03-15T15:24:06.832Z Object [/SYS/CONNECTION] of type [Connection] id [1B8wpUIexxxxxxxxxxx] is missing the following dependencies

[xxxxx Runtime Group//SYS]

The runtime on source org is named different from the runtime on target org.

I don't see anyway to specify/change that name?


Informatica Documentation Team - March 26, 2024

Hi Andy. We’re working to address your comments and will get back to you.


Informatica Documentation Team